Custom CRM & ERP SystemDevelopment

Achieve your customer engagement goals with a customized and scalable new CRM or ERP system that doesn't require separate licenses for each new user.


Why You Might Consider a New ERP and CRM System

  • Company is being sold or is gearing up for sale
  • Merging with another company and the need to synchronize the two systems by integration
  • There are too many manual processes in the current operation
  • Your business is ready to scale and grow
  • Your business has blind spots and visibility is limited
  • Employees can’t work from anywhere
  • If your company decides to go in a different direction 

ERP & CRM for Smaller Companies
A CRM will give everyone in your company access to exactly the same information about your customers, which means less duplication, more efficiency and fewer mistakes. It also means that valuable customer data won’t be lost as your staff will have a dedicated system on which to enter it.


ERP & CRM for Larger Companies
A CRM can bring together your marketing, sales and service departments. It can help build better working practices, provide the customer with a joined-up service and identify opportunities to better connect sales and marketing to provide increased sales and improved customer engagement:


Marketing – creating personalized, meaningful experiences for customers off the back of insights and data collection. Better attribution and the ability to determine ROI from marketing activities.

Sales – easy identification of sales numbers and cross-sell/up-sell opportunities, real-time insight into your sales pipeline, key information about customer accounts before visits, e.g. any outstanding 'live' orders or any service issues to be aware of.


Custom ERP & CRP Development by Exoprom
Unlike an off-the-shelf solution, when we build a CRM or ERP system it’s tailored to exactly match a business and its current processes, so there’s no unnecessary complexity. This ensures that clients end up with a system that encourages departments to work together instead of creating silos through data.