FIRMWARE Development


We specialize in new innovations and specialize in developing firmware and software solutions for a variety of embedded systems in various industries. Our talented engineers have a detailed understanding of microcontrollers, real-time operating systems and other embedded technologies, allowing us to provide invaluable support to businesses looking to stay ahead. Whether you need a reliable partner to keep up with the latest trends or a customized, cutting-edge solution, we are the right choice.


Our team's expertise and innovative approach deliver world-class results across a variety of industries, increasing efficiency and increasing our clients' profits.


Embedded Control Systems

Our company builds complex systems that ensure consistent and precise performance of all embedded elements.


Embedded Vision Systems

We  integrate cameras and processing boards into computing systems, launching solutions for visual inspection and process control.


Real-Time Systems

Through software algorithms ensuring real-time communications, we develope solutions that respond to events and executes tasks instantly.


We design and implement software for embedded systems with our expert and creative developer team. The required embedded software is developed for special hardware for a specific purpose, which must be suitable for the location where it will be used (indoor, outdoor), climatic conditions, time, size, energy and memory restrictions.


The most important issue when developing embedded software and devices is to design them so that the possibility of malfunction is zero; because uninterrupted and uninterrupted data transfer is the most important issue in the business. That's why we design embedded applications to run for months or years in a row without being shut down or receiving a reset command.


Essential Rules When Developing Embedded Systems


Real-Time: Embedded applications must receive continuous inputs, processing them, and generate outputs of data, where such processing must be performed in a very short period of time.


Fault Tolerance: It is the ability and necessity of an embedded system to survive in the event of errors. Malfunctions can be caused by power outages, damaged hardware parts, overheating, and more. Embedded software must be able to detect errors and make decisions based on how critical the error is.


Portability: A measure of how easy it is to use the same embedded software in multiple environments. It requires generalized abstractions between application program logic and low-level system interfaces.


Reliability: This is the probability of the system surviving in situations where the function is critical during the operating period and performing its duty until the last moment, that is, until the intervention time. It is very important not to allow any data loss.


Flexibility: An embedded system must be built with built-in debugging opportunities, allowing remote maintenance.


Remote Update: Any embedded system must have the ability to be updated remotely whenever an update is made to its embedded software.