Customer Portal Software Development


Enhance your client relationships by providing a secure client portal that offers quick access to projects, calendars, and self-service capability. With custom customer portal software, each of your Customers gets their own dedicated window into their account where they can view the status of their orders and generate the reports they need, allowing them to act on this information in real time. This is a significant competitive advantage.


With Exoprom Customer Portal Software:

  • Improved customer engagement and satisfaction
  • Reduced workload for customer service teams
  • Increased support staff efficiency
  • Improved collaboration with customers
  • Valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences
  • Improved communication with other team members and customers
  • Increased security and privacy for sensitive customer information


Exoprom customer portal includes several key features to ensure an optimal customer experience, including:


Secure file management and delivery: A client portal should have a secure file management system that allows clients to easily upload  files, and store and access important documents. This is why you need a secure client portal software. 

Self-service options and account management:
Clients should be able to manage their own accounts, including updating personal information, viewing account history, and tracking orders. 

Access to products and services:
A customer portal should provide access to the company’s products and services, including descriptions, pricing, and ordering options. 

Secure live chat or other consolidated communication channels:
Normally, client portal platforms should provide access to secure communication channels, such as live chat, for clients to get quick answers to their questions and support requests. 

Ability to update brand and business information:
Your customer portal ought to allow your clients to update their business information, such as contact information, and view their brand assets. 

Ability to make payments and manage billing:
Allowing clients to manage their billing details and make payments is one of the key features of an effective secure client portal. 

Access to knowledge base:
Every client portal should also provide access to a knowledge base or FAQs, allowing clients to quickly find on-demand information. 

Project management features or integrations:
It is extremely useful for any business to have your client portals integrated or equipped with collaboration tools and project management features to stay on top of all your tasks.