WEB Application Development

WEB Application Development

Our experts can create custom applications, platforms and products to meet the requirements of your business or new venture.





People expects to be able to work and access information from a company when they need it from wherever they are; a web application offers companies a flexible, cost-effective way to meet this need. From a streamlined version of an internal system to increasing the efficiency of remote or travelling employees, to an interactive tool to help build brand loyalty with customers; a web application can deliver.


Other web application examples include:

  • An internal web application to help manage projects & finances
  • A Subscription basis web applications that you can offer to your customers (SaaS - Software as a Service).
  • An application to revolutionise customer service by providing a portal for your customers to access


We discover everything there is to learn about your business, what a new app needs to deliver and to whom. If you’d like us to, we’ll also suggest a few of our own ideas – we love coming up with fresh solutions that really make the technology work hard.


Responsive web applications
All the web applications we build are responsive. This means they look great and work perfectly on any screen of any size; desktop, table or smartphone. We do this by adapting menus, controls and other visuals to fit the device based on the current screen width and height, ensuring the user always gets the best possible experience regardless of what device they’re using.


Web application technology and development process
We primarily use Microsoft tools to build our client’s web apps but we’ve experienced with a whole array of tech stacks.


We use browser-based technology such as HTML5, served by .NET Core and C# programming. We combine the very best technical platforms, including Microsoft Azure, SQL Server and Web APIs. We also have expertise in JavaScript frameworks like VueJS, React & Angular – the scripts that create interactivity on the web.


We know that trying to visualise a finished web app is a big ask, so from early in the project, we’ll create a prototype that we’ll update throughout the process. This enables our clients, and other stakeholders, to ‘play’ with the app along the way and flag any design or functionality that isn’t quite right.


Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development


Whatever your platform choice, we create and develop feature-rich IOS and Android mobile applications.We offer a high-end, bespoke approach to mobile app development with full-cycle support. We develop applications of all complexities across all platforms and devices.



From ideation to release in stores, our clients can be sure they receive the best service in the market.


We Provide with Our Mobile Applications

  • Full-cycle mobile app development
  • Back-end development
  • Mobile UX and UI design
  • Mobile app integration
  • Technical consulting
  • Maintenance and support
Custom CRM & ERP SystemDevelopment

Custom CRM & ERP SystemDevelopment

Achieve your customer engagement goals with a customized and scalable new CRM or ERP system that doesn't require separate licenses for each new user.


Why You Might Consider a New ERP and CRM System

  • Company is being sold or is gearing up for sale
  • Merging with another company and the need to synchronize the two systems by integration
  • There are too many manual processes in the current operation
  • Your business is ready to scale and grow
  • Your business has blind spots and visibility is limited
  • Employees can’t work from anywhere
  • If your company decides to go in a different direction 

ERP & CRM for Smaller Companies
A CRM will give everyone in your company access to exactly the same information about your customers, which means less duplication, more efficiency and fewer mistakes. It also means that valuable customer data won’t be lost as your staff will have a dedicated system on which to enter it.


ERP & CRM for Larger Companies
A CRM can bring together your marketing, sales and service departments. It can help build better working practices, provide the customer with a joined-up service and identify opportunities to better connect sales and marketing to provide increased sales and improved customer engagement:


Marketing – creating personalized, meaningful experiences for customers off the back of insights and data collection. Better attribution and the ability to determine ROI from marketing activities.

Sales – easy identification of sales numbers and cross-sell/up-sell opportunities, real-time insight into your sales pipeline, key information about customer accounts before visits, e.g. any outstanding 'live' orders or any service issues to be aware of.


Custom ERP & CRP Development by Exoprom
Unlike an off-the-shelf solution, when we build a CRM or ERP system it’s tailored to exactly match a business and its current processes, so there’s no unnecessary complexity. This ensures that clients end up with a system that encourages departments to work together instead of creating silos through data.


Customer Portal Software Development

Customer Portal Software Development


Enhance your client relationships by providing a secure client portal that offers quick access to projects, calendars, and self-service capability. With custom customer portal software, each of your Customers gets their own dedicated window into their account where they can view the status of their orders and generate the reports they need, allowing them to act on this information in real time. This is a significant competitive advantage.


With Exoprom Customer Portal Software:

  • Improved customer engagement and satisfaction
  • Reduced workload for customer service teams
  • Increased support staff efficiency
  • Improved collaboration with customers
  • Valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences
  • Improved communication with other team members and customers
  • Increased security and privacy for sensitive customer information


Exoprom customer portal includes several key features to ensure an optimal customer experience, including:


Secure file management and delivery: A client portal should have a secure file management system that allows clients to easily upload  files, and store and access important documents. This is why you need a secure client portal software. 

Self-service options and account management:
Clients should be able to manage their own accounts, including updating personal information, viewing account history, and tracking orders. 

Access to products and services:
A customer portal should provide access to the company’s products and services, including descriptions, pricing, and ordering options. 

Secure live chat or other consolidated communication channels:
Normally, client portal platforms should provide access to secure communication channels, such as live chat, for clients to get quick answers to their questions and support requests. 

Ability to update brand and business information:
Your customer portal ought to allow your clients to update their business information, such as contact information, and view their brand assets. 

Ability to make payments and manage billing:
Allowing clients to manage their billing details and make payments is one of the key features of an effective secure client portal. 

Access to knowledge base:
Every client portal should also provide access to a knowledge base or FAQs, allowing clients to quickly find on-demand information. 

Project management features or integrations:
It is extremely useful for any business to have your client portals integrated or equipped with collaboration tools and project management features to stay on top of all your tasks. 


Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration

Cloud migration is the process of moving applications, data, infrastructure, security, and other objects from on-premises host to a cloud computing environment or from from a  cloud computing environment to an other  cloud computing environment.


We plan, monitor and give support at every stage of migration

  • Defining your company’s goals and migration strategy is the first and key step.
  • Assessment of your existing IT environment and application selection.
  • Create a detailed migration plan. Determine which applications and resources will be moved first and which can remain on-premises.
  • Move resources to the cloud and testing.
  • Data and application security.
  • Optimization and management.
QT Development

QT Development


QT is a graphical user interface development toolkit that supports multiple platforms.


We offer QT development on embedded devices, desktops, and operating systems for GUIs.


We offer a cross-platform GUI application development solution that will reduce your development time and costs. QT software runs on Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, QNX and other platforms, so we can provide much faster and more effective service when developing cross-platform solutions.



  • Cross-platform solution
  • C++ based
  • Open source
  • Tested by time and experts so many years